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Hot Girl a Day in the Month of May: Kealey McIntire

From a reader email:

Dear Lost Ogles,

I have a bit of A-Rod in me, and am madly in love with KSBI Channel 52 Anchorwomen Kealey McIntire. Can you please include her in the "Hot Girl a Day in the Month of May" countdown?

T. Sellars, Norman

Mr. Sellars, consider it done...but not because of your email. You see, we are scared to death of Kealey McIntire. Seriously, before Clark Mathews goes to bed each night he checks underneath ClarkPupp's crib to see if Kealey is waiting with a set of dumb bells, jump rope and one of some guy's guns. Hopefully by putting her in the HGADITMOM list we won't have to worry about her attacking us in an alley behind the gym. We just will have to worry about more normal things, like severe weather and Amanda Taylor.

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