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DnA is pretty boring…

I haven't been there yet, but I've heard from several people that new McNellie's Pub in Midtown is supposed to be pretty damn cool. Imagine then my surprise when I noticed that Dave and Angie decided to visit it as part of their boring DnA series. Take a look:

(WARNING: The video contains graphically boring content. You may fall face first into your cup of coffee if you're not careful.)

Word of advice for the people at when your five second intro featuring a double-helix is more interesting than the five minute video proceeding it, you may just want to tank the whole idea. Also, when choosing background music, try to avoid the stuff that is generally played at a drunk Scottish guys funeral, it's kind of a buzz kill. Other than that, keep up the extraordinarily average work.

P.S.- I'd also like to add that I don't think this DnA thing is working out to well. They are about as fun as cancer. You could give them secret 1990's video footage of Van Shae Iven and the fat Bob Barry Jr. playing underwater freeze tag at a metro swimming pool and they'd find a way to make that seem boring and totally normal.

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