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The wheels on the bus go…

With gas prices quickly approaching $7.23 an ounce, a friend and I were talking about the ways we could save money on gas. During the discussion, he mentioned the following word:


Oklahoma City's MetroTransit covers several cities in central Oklahoma. I use the term cover rather loosely. If I were to travel from my current humble abode to Harvard on May I would have to walk a mile, ride a bus for 15 minutes, connect to another bus and ride for 58 minutes, enjoy a two minute potty break, transfer again and ride another 30 minutes... and only cost $4.75.

They also operate the trolleys. As the cutest addition to the original MAPs projects, these bad boys were intended to take visitors around Oklahoma City easily. When frequenting downtown and bricktown, I've found Waldo more times than the Oklahoma Spirit trolleys. Apparently, our friends from the Dark Tower have a problem too.

So it looks like my friend's "MetroTransit" option didn't fly, but wouldn't it be nice if it did? Having visited other cities, I would love to have a reliable transit system in the Big Town. Apparently, I'm not alone. Will MAPs for Mick's legacy include Mass Transit? Only time will tell. Considering that Mayor Mick's legacy has him as the only mayor to effectively steal two NBA franchises... I'm not holding my breath.

If only Clay Bennett would buy Seattle's transit system and bring it here, too?

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