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The Balloon Boy thinks Oklahoma City girls have big breasts…

First of all, let me correct the headline.  It's not Balloon Boy who mumbles "Oklahoma City girls have big boobs" in the YouTube video below.  I think it's one of his brothers.  Fast forward to about the 1:00 minute mark and you'll see what I'm talking about.

What type of parents would force their kids to make in a YouTube video like the one above?  I'll tell you what type: the ones who forget to tie down the giant metal balloon in the backyard!

Seriously, what a bizarre story! You have action (crazy out-of-control balloon), sorrow (six year old trapped in balloon), relief (boy is okay), and anger (the whole thing was probably a hoax).  Hell, once the balloon landed I half way expected for a door to slide open and for a robot named Max to ask for his Navigator.

Anyway, I'm kind of mad at Balloon Boy and his family for getting me all worked up yesterday.  I think they all should definitely be grounded.  That being said, at least it gave me a good excuse to not work very hard yesterday afternoon.  Also, it's nice to know that he and his brothers like large breasts.  We at The Lost Ogle totally support and endorse large breasts!

p.s.- Thanks to Ryan from OklahomaRock for the tip.

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