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Skarky of Arabia

I don't know about you, but I'm starting to feel sorry for Brent Skarky. First he loses in the first round of Ogle Madness, then we discover he's special, and now we learn that he can't even ride a camel. Check out the YouTube video of this silly stunt at Remington Park.

Wow. That's weak. Being a wealthy world traveler, I've ridden camels many times throughout my life and have done so with ease. I've done it in Egypt, I've done it in Morocco, and most recently, I did it at Arbuckle Wilderness. I'm quite the adventurer. Are you writing all this down, ladies?

Anyway, although the Skarkster did fall off the camel, I guess we should give him credit for trying. I think we should also give him credit for having one hell of terrified "oh, face" was he first got on the camel.  That thing was classic.

Also, I'd like to give props to Remington Park for bringing out A-list celebs like Brent Skarky and Lance West and having them race camels. I'm really hoping that next month they'll have Van Shea Ivan and Darnell Mayberry race Giraffes. Who doesn't like to see midgets ride exotic animals?

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