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Mailbag: William H. Macy, Olivia Munn, and Paul Folger standing on a box.

Before we get to this batch of emails, let's touch base on a few things:

• The Ogle Madness VI bracket will be unveiled on Monday! That's kind of exciting. In case you're not familiar with it, Ogle Madness is our annual Oklahoma celebrity tournament. We take 68 people, places and things, seed them in NCAA tourney style brackets, and have our readers vote for who they want to advance. This year's contest is being presented by our friends at Picassos in Paseo. More details on all of that on Monday.

• Quick word of advice. Let's say you have the stomach flu and pain in your upper right side that could be caused by a faulty gallbladder, do not google your symptoms. Once again, DO NOT google your symptoms. You may find yourself reading disturbing posts on a colon cancer message board at 3:00am. That's not good for you. Instead, go see a doctor at OU Medical Center. They'll get you fixed up. When you go in for your appointment, be sure to drive a new Volkswagen, and if you feel like giving the doctor a funny story to tell, wear something from Patricia's.

Anyway, enough about that. To the mailbag:

Loyal Mole writes:

I work at the Capitol. I spotted Paul Folger doing a noon segment in the rotunda today, and in accordance with local legend, he does in fact stand on a box during interviews.

paul folger box

This validates many years of Paul Folger mockery for me.

- your loyal Mole

Does anyone else feel sorry for Paul Folger? First we find out he has a Pinterest page and now we learn he stands on boxes for live shots. Before you know it, we're going to discover that he makes cupcakes on the weekends, DVRs "Dancing With the Stars," and nearly died in a motor scooter accident. It's almost like he wants TLO attention. But you know what, I'm not going to make fun of Paul for being a charter member of the Oklahoma City Lollipop GuildHe can't control his own genetics.


Clint asks:

Have you seen 4's new hire. Her name is Bree Steffen. She reminds me of Allysin Hannigan.

I received five emails asking about Bree. Here's her resume tape from You Tube:

I'm not sure if it's a compliment or not, but I can see a little Allysin Hannigan in her. She also has that charming Emily Sutton vibe to her. She'll probably take over the OKC universe in three years. Maybe she plays the flute or something.

Also, I like the direction Channel 4 is going with their new hires. Bree and Courtney Francisco are solid additions to the news team. Now if only they can get rid of AJ Mertz and hire another young cute girl, they'll be semi-prepared for the day Channel 9 steals away Joleen Chaney.


Taylor writes:

William H. Macy is in town for the next month scouting locations for a new movie. Stopped to talk to us on the sidewalk outside of Sushi Neko last night. We offered to buy him a lunchbox at Edna's but he wasn't up for it. Incredibly nice man. Apparently his wife has family OKC too...

william h macy

That's cool. If Oklahoma City Police discover a pile of human remains next to a wood chipper, I guess we'll know where to look! Maybe Lucky Star will turn him into a cooler!

Wait, William H. Macy wasn't stuffed into the wood chipper in Fargo. I think that was Steve Buscemi. I get them confused. How about this instead: If someone kills his porn star wife and then blows out his brains at a New Year's Eve party, I guess we'll know where to look!


R writes:

Here is a pic of Christina Fallin. She's at "the big" (Oscar) watch party. And to the left, Wade Carter who still thinks he lives in the 60's and 70's.

Christina Fallin oscars party

I've never heard of Wade Carter, but that's Oklahoma County Commissioner Waylon Orbison Brian Maughan on the right. It looks like he's on a date with someone! I guess his profile finally worked! I wonder if they went to Red Lobster on their first date. I bet they cuddle and watch romantic comedies.


Austin writes:

It looks like this is the Wikipedia user address for (State Senator) David Holt. I found it interesting that he edited Olivia Munn's page...

Now I will go back to looking at pictures of Olivia Munn.

Yes, it looks like Austin is correct. David Holt, the majority whip of the Oklahoma Senate, is a Wikipedia savant and has made minor edits to Olivia Munn's page. Unfortunately, it had nothing to do with Fort Cobb, Oklahoma. He just listed himself as one of her "notable" classmates from Putnam City North. Knowing what we know about David Holt, that's not very surprising. He loves attention more than the kids in those annoying AT&T commercials.

On the topic of Olivia Munn...


Jon asks:

Have you seen these pics of Olivia Munn? I don't see why you guys like her so much. She's fugly.

olivia munn red carpet

Actually, I've never understood the infatuation people have with Olivia Munn. Here's something I wrote last year:

Is Olivia Munn hot???

I mean she looks hot and acts hot. People seem to think she’s hot and treat her like she’s hot. They put her on the cover of hot magazines like Maxim, FHM and Playboy. She even has the charm of the girl-next-door who likes to kick-it on the couch and watch you watch Leroy Jenkins five straight times on YouTube. And she even knows who Leroy Jenkins is. And she dresses up like bikini Princess Leia for Halloween and stuff.

But is she hot? Honestly, she does kind of look weird. She’s what I would imagine a hot alien pretending to be a hot woman sent to take over Earth would look like after she spent a night dancing at City Walk. And her body is nice and everything, but it’s pretty tame when compared to other sex symbols in her class. And her career has never really taken off. Since her run on Attack of the Show, she’s a had a couple of minor movie roles, starred in a failed sitcom and bombed on The Daily Show.

So anyway, I don’t get why she’s hot and why she’s successful, but damn, she sure is hot and sure is successful.

So yeah, I guess you can say I agree with Jon. Also, I heard from a friend of a former OU player who dated Olivia that she, uhm, smelled funny in certain places. Seriously.


David writes

Have you ever noticed the big grayish/black 1-1 1/2 feet tall on the South end of Dillards...grassy area next to NW Exp and Penn?  Every time I drive by it I remember it, then I forget about it.  It looks like a tombstone.

Also, a little farther West of Penn & NW Exp...Villa and the Exp intersection..just to the East of the library.  There is a cross someone decorates for each holiday.  I heard a person (don't know the year or if its true) was sitting in their car at that intersection and were shot there.  No-one was ever caught...bullet just came from no where and killed them.

Also about 200 feet East of the cross is a tombstone with writing on it.  Never get the chance to read it or track it down.

So, do you or anyone know the stories on these markers?  Any place to look up information on these?  I've been tempted to leave my name and number on these to see if anyone contacts me and tell me their stories....but my wife refuses to let me.

David, you have a very smart wife. Don't leave her.


Thanks for reading our website. Have a great weekend, Moles.

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