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Hipster Boo Boo was on American Idol…

hipster boo boo american idol

Last night, I was hanging out at a friend's house playing an epic game of Risk. As I was going on a rampage through North Africa in a last-ditch effort to expose the soft underbelly of Europe, the Ogle inbox was flooded with dispatches from Ogle Moles claiming that Oklahoma's favorite affluent event planner, artist, musician, gallery curator and janitor, Hipster Boo Boo, made a very brief appearance on American Idol.

Yep, it's true! American Idol is still on television. I guess this is the last season. I had no clue. Since I'm not going through menopause, or live in a house in Mustang with a Hobby Lobby cross wall, you can't really expect me to know these things. I'm just a cool grownass man who plays board games on a Thursday night.

Anyway, here's a screenshot that some Moles sent me:

christina fallin american idol

I honestly haven't watched American Idol since the year Taylor Hicks won the show. Like most men, I had a good excuse. I was married and spineless. That being said, it was nice to watch a fellow Silver Fox win over America's heart. He's been an inspiration to me ever since. Maybe I can catch him in a concert at Thunderbird Casino later this year?

Anyway, I had no clue why an old man would be whispering sweet nothings into Hipster Boo Boo's ear at an American Idol audition. Is the show now trying to make the audition process as authentic as possible?

I asked a Mole what was going on and we had this exchange:

fallin ai

Oh, so that's Christina's dad – eccentric local dentist Joe Fallin. I wonder if the pair took Christina's trailer to the audition and camped outside the arena for a couple of days? I bet they did.

Anyway, it's a shame that we didn't get to see Christina Fallin's full audition. That would have been entertaining and given us a whole lot of web traffic. Since we didn't get to see her perform, let's watch some Pink Pony videos instead:

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