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Gary England Day is an excuse to party…

This past weekend, a Lost Ogle reader got trapped at America's Pub in Bricktown. To prove it, they sent us the following picture of the screen where you can send text messages.  We consider it a cry for help.

gary england day

Actually, this is a pretty cool. It's comforting to know that the masses were out celebrating Gary England Day. It's also good to know that Kristin Gilpin probably got a kiss, and that Katrice's boobs looked amazing.  The reader mentioned that the phrase "Clark Matthews cheats at checkers," also appeared on the big screen, but we don't have any photo proof of that.

That being said, I think it's disturbing that this photo was taken at America's Pub in Bricktown.  I feel sorry for the guy who was trapped there.  Seriously, that place is a Douche Bag paradise. Go there on any Friday or Saturday night and you'll see enough Affliction shirts and embroidered eagle wings to cause a seizure. Granted, that also means there are plenty of dumb hot chicks with big breasts and sun dresses in attendance, but it's hard for me to care about that when I spend my typical evening being hand-fed lush grapes by European fashion models.

Anyway, maybe next year some bar will have an official Gary England Day party.  I nominate either TapWerks, Nite Trips or Edna's.  And as long as the drinks are free, I'll be there.

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