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Oklahoma City is Popular

When the Thunder first moved to Oklahoma City, our town was an easy target for national writers looking for a hillbilly joke or two. Now that our NBA team is seeing some success on the court, it seems like our national vibe is starting to change a little bit.  Need proof, watch this video:

Other than saying the weather is always sunny, all the men are rich, and all the women give blow jobs, could these guys have said anything nicer about Oklahoma City?  Seriously, I think our Chamber of Commerce sent them note cards.  Half way through the clip I figured that the guy in the glasses would peel of his skin and reveal he was Mayor Cornett.

Anyway, as the Thunder improves and continues to get better, I think Oklahoma City will get more praise.  We just need to make sure that when any person from the national media visits town, that we keep them away from the Oklahoma State Fair.  And Southeast Oklahoma City.  And Jones.  And any Wal-Mart.  You get the point.

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