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The cheesy dream fantasy wedding continues

It's been a week since Oklahoman reporter Heather Warlick blessed us with her award winning coverage of the fantasy dream throw-up-in-my-mouth marriage proposal. Now she's back with coverage of the main course: the fantasy dream runway wedding:

The best part about this isn't the cheesy video or trying to guess what Malorie's aunt is GOING TO SAY when she DEFENDS!!!!! her niece in the comments section. No, the best part is that you can tell Heather Warlick read my drunken and confused post from last week. Check out the first paragraph of today's follow-up story:

Malorie and Michael Gulikers never dreamed they'd be able to get married with all the pomp and circumstance of the royal wedding of William and Kate (minus the wild hats). Both come from average Oklahoma families; not from wealthy, high-society families normally associated with country club weddings.

Yeah, it's good to know Heather is being a little more clear in this week's article. It's also comforting to know that "average" Oklahomans can occasionally get a taste of the good life that's normally reserved for above-average Oklahomans with country club memberships and trust funds. Maybe some day I'll be rich and can afford to have a lavish wedding that will show how totally above average and wealthy and material and awesome I am, too.

Anyway, hopefully this is the last we hear about this "HEY LOOK AT ME!!!!" attention seeking, free-riding, average newlywed couple. Also, hopefully this is the last time I have to write about cheesy weddings. I hate throwing up in my mouth.

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