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Hot Girl Friday: OSU Pom Squad

In case you didn't know, the OSU Pom Squad recently concluded their Colorado ski trip. It's the annual excursion where they have tickle fights, play "Truth or Dare" and prance around mountain slopes wearing bikini tops and snow pants.

We know about this thanks to Al Eschbach's favorite website - YoungThaiIceCr... wait... wrong website. Let's start over. We know about this thanks to Al Eschbach's second favorite website, College Cheerleader Heaven (via Busted Coverage). Earlier this week, they posted some pics of the cowgirls hitting the slopes:


As I mentioned, this is apparently an annual tradition for the OSU Pom Squad. They did the same thing last year, too:


And they year before that one..

osu ski trip

I'm kind of ashamed to admit this, but I've never skied in my life. I could blame this on being poor and living in Oklahoma, but it's just never appealed to me. That being said, I'm willing to give it a shot if I can be the OSU Pom Squad charter bus driver or massage therapist. Maybe I can work it into another Dream Job post, which reminds me I should probably write my Dream Job experience as a Night Trips DJ. I'm still finding glitter in my ear.

Here are more pics from the 2015 or 2016 OSU Pom Squad ski trip. These nice ladies are our Hot Girl Friday...

okstatedanceteam-ski1(bayleehuff, juliabenbrook & madyssonhopemorris)

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