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Brave Edmond insurance agent stands against Girl Scout gangs

10:13 AM EST on February 19, 2019

Cookies are a cutthroat business.

Various troops of cookie-selling solicitors have run rampant throughout the United States. These gangs, also known as troops, have ambushed supermarkets, businesses, and now, marijuana dispensaries. The main racketeers in the cookie business are known as the Girl Scouts of America.

For over 100 years, the Girl Scouts have cornered the cookie market with popular items like Thin Mints and Samoas. The troops made their sales on their terms with little retort. That is, until February of 2019.


A local insurance agent has announced that during the month of February she will buy two boxes of Girl Scout cookies from any Girl Scout that comes to her office and gives their sales pitch. 

Michelle Schaefer, a downtown Edmond insurance agent since 1995, will also purchase items sold by Camp Fire, Boy Scouts, or other school fund raisers. 

“I want to give back to the community and help these great organizations, and maybe help develop sales skills for future careers,” Schaefer said.“I know it takes courage to put yourself in an unfamiliar role, and I want to show them that a career in sales can be fun and rewarding. 

“With so much dependence on social media, I think having the confidence to talk to a potential client face to face and ask for the sale builds great character in a sales person.” 

Elliot Ness, J. Edgar Hoover, and Michelle Schaefer: all figures who stood against mob figures and their back-alley tactics.

Schaefer has ruffled the feathers of the conventional norm. She has set the terms of the agreement to her domain. The stipulations to the sell are as followed: "The offer to buy cookies or candy is only valid if the young salesperson comes into her office and makes the presentation themselves, Schaefer said. “Mom can come in but is not allowed to help,” Schaefer said."

This is quite a move to fight against the Girl Scouts mob. For those who scurry away from their booths, you'll never understand the fear one has when being coerced into buying a few boxes of cookies. If the innocent look in a child's eyes doesn't get you, the piercing stare of Girl Scout mother will. They are brutal, yet effective.

What Schaefer has done is incapacitate the strong arm and allow the little part to fend for itself. This is the same method used by the Mongols during tribal raids.

The bravest thing Schaefer accomplished is her expansion to let other mobs like the Boy Scouts and Camp Fire to grow. Not only is she limiting the effects of the strongest tribe, she's boosting the others in order for them to be on equal ground to one day destroy one another.

Schaefer isn't in it just for the cookies and charity; she's in it for blood.

Most would not stand for such tactics; however, the cookies sold by these troops are addictive. If you don't believe me, try taking a Thin Mint of mine out of the freezer. Braver people than you have tried and failed.

However, Schaefer shows us that all it takes is one person to stand against tyranny to make a difference. For this, we salute you in your fight. Stay strong, Schaefer.

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