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Four brave OKC City Councilmembers oppose human rights…

Not all heroes wear masks.

Yesterday afternoon, four brave and courageous OKC city councilmembers voted against a measure that would reestablish the OKC Human Rights Commission, because you know, the last thing a fair, equitable, and discrimination-free place like Oklahoma City needs is a commission to help protect and advance the human rights of its residents, especially a commission that was dismantled over 20 years ago because of  – gasp! – the gay agenda.

The patriots who bravely opposed human rights are: Bradley Carter, Mark Stonecipher, Barbara Young, and famed Eastside fried-food watchdog, David Greenwell.

Although the four were questioned at yesterday's meeting by those sad souls who live on the wrong side of history and support things like compassion, tolerance, and equality for everyone, some brave citizens came forward to say they have the councilmembers' backs.

For example:

Yep, the sane, sensible, and not in any way demented Carol Hefner stood in solidarity with the councilmembers who voted against a measure to help preserve human rights for people and groups that are routinely vilified and persecuted by people like Carol Hefner.

How surprising!

I thought that after she finished a distant and embarrassing third in the OKC mayoral election, Carol would burrow herself into a sand trap at Rose Creek and not come out again until the next American Civil War! It's good to see she's still out there and active, damaging her family's legacy, and reminding people why the world still needs things like human rights commissions...

Anyway, despite the noble and courageous opposition by the four councilmembers, the City Council – led by ANTIFA sympathizer David Holt, a man who believes in human rights so much that he once successfully led efforts to make poor people pass drug tests in order to get food stamps – still passed by a 5- 4 margin, ensuring the Oklahoma City will fall into a lawless dystopian hellhole. God help us all.

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