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It’s a simple question: Would you eat the moon if it were made of ribs.

Back in December, we ranked the "Top 7 Awesomely Bad Local Commercials." Topping the list was the now infamous Mr. Spriggs BBQ Commercial found below:

It's hard to believe, but that video has now become somewhat of a small internet sensation. The YouTube video has been played nearly 50,000 times, and super sites like College Humor and Stupid Videos now host it. That's all great, but now we've learned this: Will Ferrell has highlighted the video on his FunnyorDie page. Here's what Mr. Ferrell said:

Usually even a good commercial makes me think "Yeah, right. Of course you're saying that. You wanna sell your thing." This video makes me want to move to Oklahoma and eat Mr. Spriggs for breakfast, lunch, dinner and Taco Bell fourth meal. Enjoy the joy.

Will F*cking Ferrell is pimping Mr. Spriggs BBQ. I think this proves that anything in this world is possible (except for maybe Mr. Monday writing a funny column or me not being so damn good looking).

Anyway, the last thing I want to do is give the geniuses at Mr. Spriggs any advice, but they should probably take a big plate of bbq spare ribs and overnight them to Will Ferrell. They should also send him a tall, cool Budweiser to polish things off.

(Thanks to Honorary Ogle Ryan at OklahomaRock for tip.)

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