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Happy Lauren Richardson Day…

What a special day it is for Oklahoma City!  According to her MySpace Page, June 28th is Ogle Madness champion Lauren Richardson's birthday. Because of this, we are going to go ahead and designate today as Lauren Richardson Day for the state of Oklahoma.

Granted, in our little world, pretty much every day is Lauren Richardson Day, just like every day is Kids Day. But actually designating the holiday gives us a reason to celebrate.  Here are some ways how:

"¢ Go to Braum's and order a banana split with extra chocolate sauce. While you are at it, make sure your cherry falls off.

"¢ Go to Lowe's and start dancing on their quality lumber.

Heckle and harass a bald minor league baseball player

"¢ Prank call some lucky bastard named Trevor.

"¢ Get insanely drunk and send Patrick a text message at 2:23am saying "Its my bday! Its my bday! Will u please come over?"

Anyway, until Jamie Cerreta Day, have fun celebrating.  Cardboard Jim and I are off to Braum's and Lowe's.

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