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Cute Thing the ClarkPupp Does (3)


If the ClarkPupp has one going for him, it's a healthy ego.  Back when he was still small enough to carry in to restaurants in his car seat, he already knew the effect he had on the ladies.  Anytime we ate out, he would look around until he found a woman who would make googly-eyes at him.  Since he's so cute, that never took very long.

Once, while eating at Chelino's (downtown--when they still made fresh flour tortillas), my son quickly scanned around and found a twenty-something hottie out on a date.  She resisted his charms at first, but after he smiled at her a few times, she stopped paying any attention to the guy who was, no doubt, paying for the meal.  She played peek-a-boo with him, wiggled her finger, and the ClarkPupp paid her back by squirming and giggling.

Eventually, the woman's date turned around to see what was rooster blocking him and as soon as that happened, the little man's expression changed subtly.  He squinted his eyes and smirked at the poor guy.  The message was clear.  The ClarkPupp was saying, "If I were twenty years older, she'd be going home with me."

As a happily married man, my child's abilities do very little to help me.  Which is sad, because as his verbal abilities have improved, his skill has expanded.  That's why I rent him out.

Chad was a recent recipient of the ClarkPupp's wingman duties.  While waiting outside the Opolis for Mayola to start playing, Chad was playing with my son.  Then a attractive blonde walked by and the ClarkPupp took off running in her path and stopped quickly enough that she nearly tripped on him.  At this point, he had her attention, and to keep it, he started spouting off a litany of non sequiters in response to her startled, "Hi."

"Look, it's sky," he said while pointing up.  "I hear dog," he continued before pointing in my direction, "there's daddy."  It was here that Chad came running up to retrieve him and the woman, thinking the ClarkPupp had just pointed to him, complimented Chad for having such a cute son.  Chad quickly corrected her, by lying he was watching the child for a friend.  She was so impressed that he two really hit it off, but I have to question her maternal instinct because she didn't seem to care that Chad abandoned the child he was "watching" when she dragged him into one of the Norman Music Festival port o potties for some alone time.

It was soooooo cute.

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