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The Oklahoma Press Assocation is intense and Jim Priest needs more ties…

Last night, I was doing some "research" on Attorney General Candidate Jim Priest and stumbled across some YouTube videos from the Oklahoma Press Association.  Amused "” and suddenly wide awake"” I then watched other OPA videos.  I've posted three below.  Let me know if you notice a common theme.



I don't know about you, but I'm thinking that the Oklahoma Press Association may take itself a bit too seriously.  Either that or someone in its marketing department is trying to communicate with the aliens.  Those are the only logical explanations for that overly-intense video introduction. 

Seriously, why would you include that sound "” and then pair it with such a terribly bad graphic "“ on anything, much less boring political stump videos?  The only time that sound should be played is when Jim Traber or your ex walks into a crowded room.

Anyway, the whole reason I was looking for a Jim Priest video is because a reader pointed out that he wears the same ugly red and white tie in virtually every campaign photo or video.  And you know what?  It looks like he does!   Check out the evidence after the jump.

Campaign Video:


Random YouTube Video:


Jim Priest Campaign Ad


Jim Priest Politics Page

- Attorney General Article


Jim Priest Head Shot


Seriously, dude, if you are going to only wear one tie, at least make sure it is a good one.  Don't wear the one that will give some kid an epileptic seizure right before he asks you for a Mexican candy cane.

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