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Don’t worry, this poster at Cooper Middle School doesn’t promote or endorse any religion…

faith in america

The painting above is called "Faith in America" by Donald Zolan. If you want, you can view a print in the main office of Cooper Middle School, or probably any Hobby Lobby or Mardel.

As you can clearly see, the painting subtly portrays two young atheist children sarcastically praying to a Christian god in front of the American flag to appease their mega-controlling Sunday School-teaching parents. It's pretty obvious, right? Only a smartass would be that devout, cute, patriotic and adorable while praying. It has to be some sort of satirical statement against organized religion in America, doesn't it?

The answer to those questions is a very obvious "Yes."

Unfortunately, the irony and hidden meaning of "Faith in America" – which, of course, honors the religious freedoms of our people – is lost on the God-hating atheist organization the Freedom From Religion Foundation. For some reason, they say a print of the painting that hangs from the office walls of Cooper Middle School – conveniently next to a portrait of George Washington – promotes Christian prayer to impressionable students and are now demanding that it be removed.

Whatever, these stupid atheist activists and their mission to make things fair for everyone need to get a life.


A picture in a Putnam City School could soon be the center of a lawsuit. An atheist group is demanding it be taken down. The school says they are evaluating their options.

Hanging next to a portrait of George Washington in the front office at Kenneth Cooper Middle School is a large picture of a little girl and little boy praying in front of an American flag. It's called "faith in America" by artist Donald Zolan. It's hung in the school for 18 years without much attention. Now the group Freedom From Religion Foundation is demanding the school take it down.

FFRF claim the religious poster in a public school is a textbook violation of separation of church and state.

Andrew Seidel, an attorney for FFRF told KOCO 5, “Any violation of the Constitution especially the first amendment of the Constitution should be important to every citizen.”

The group says a parent contacted them in August.

They sent the school a letter arguing:  "The meaning could not be more clear, real American children pray."

Uhm, hello. Yes, real American children pray... for no homework and a longer recess. Did this guy not go to public schools? Is he some sort of East Coast elitist.

For what it's worth, the Putnam City School District and Cooper Middle School agrees with me and doesn't see the painting as a religious statement:

"There is no text displayed with the poster which imputes the artist intent, theme, or tile."

It is "not an attempt to proselytize or promote any particular faith."

"The district will not agree to remove the image."

The school is 100% right. The poster that shows two All American white kids sarcastically praying at the flag doesn't proselytize or promote any particular faith over another. Once again, it's simply an ironic statement against organized religion, just like this print that probably hangs in the Cooper Middle School cafeteria:


See, that's obviously a man sarcastically praying to the Christian God, "thanking" him for that "wonderful" meal of dry bread and bone broth. It's not religious at all.

That being said, I can kind of see how atheist groups can get confused and think the "Faith in America" promotes God and baby Jesus. As I like to say, sarcasm and satire are lost on some.

Because of that, the school should fight for what's right and not take down the painting. In fact, they should take things a step further and hang a painting of two equally adorable American Muslim kids praying to the American flag. I doubt any Christian parents would have a problem with that. They obviously wouldn't get upset and claim that Islam is trying to indoctrinate our society and impose Sharia law in our schools or anything, right? They should also put up paintings that feature kids from other nationalities mocking other religions, too. Maybe get some posters of Hindu kids, Buddhist kids, Jewish kids and even some Oklahoman Native American kids sarcastically praying in front of the American flag. Freedom and equality for all, right?

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