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Oklahoma City residents can now pay to be a farmer…


Growing up in rural western Oklahoma, I thought us kids never had anything fun to do in the summertime. We had Main Street drag, a movie theater with 4 screens, and a Walmart parking lot that kept its lights on until 2:00 AM. If anything, summer meant more chores because we had to pick the gardens before those got-damn squash bugs did. But I guess I should stop complaining, because less fortunate Oklahomans now have to pay to do the same chores we avoided.


MUSTANG, OK (KOKH) Oklahoma Agri-Tourism is a "growing" industry, both figuratively and literally and it's a fun way to do something as a family. Since you're supporting local farmers, it makes the "fruit of your labor" taste so much better.

I won’t argue that vegetables fresh from the garden aren’t delicious. But no vegetable is going to taste good enough to want to spend an hour in the Oklahoma sun to get a basketful. That’s like saying your kid’s macaroni picture frame is the best present you’ve ever received because he made it. Everyone knows you would’ve much rather had your dining room table not covered in Elmer’s glue and glitter.

Here’s more...

Buffalo Creek Berry Farm is a solely owned and operated P-Y-O Berry/Produce Farm in central Oklahoma just South of Mustang. Owner and Operator Bobby Sloan usually opens in the evening (when its cooler) to let visitors pick through his crop of Thornless Blackberries as well as Fresh Tomatoes, onions, potatoes, Cantaloupe, honey dew and more.

With the hustle and bustle of city life that surrounds us in the metro, it is no wonder people are venturing for the simpler things in life. Now I don’t know how much Buffalo Creek Berry Farm charges to come tend and pick fresh fruits and veggies, but I’ll let you pick and weed my squash and tomater garden for $10 or a bottle of bottom shelf tequila.

Someone please come weed my garden. Or follow me on twitter @squirrellygeek

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