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7 OKC Rainy Day Activities

I'm writing this while it's bright and sunny out, but the forecasts for Oklahoma this week have largely been gloomy and rainy days. I prefer that weather, and it is to be expected this time of year.

By now, we're used to being captive prisoners in our own homes, but there's something about rain that keeps us even more trapped. You can't get out and ride your bike or hang out on the Kong's patio. So let's figure out some new options:


Thunder Roster Spelling Bee

Now that the's season finally over, gather the friends and family together and remember all the good times from this season's tankfest by having a Thunder Roster Spelling Bee.  Bonus point to whoever can spell Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk on the first try.


Get Stoned at The Omniplex

Yes, we know it's not called the Omniplex and that's kind of the point. Either way, there's are worst ways to spend a rainy day than getting stoned inside the Omniplex and getting lost in the mirror maze, playing a waltz on the fire organ or falling asleep in the earthquake simulator. They still have all those exhibits, right?



Watch Twister in Honor of Bill Paxton

I'm writing this on his birthday, but you can be late for the party. It's a legendary film that put Oklahoma into the pop culture zeitgeist in a strange way. It's both earnest and also completely exaggerated. The whole cast was fantastic though, and when you Google his name, 'How did the guy from Twister die?' comes up. That's a legacy.


Watercolor a Weather Dong

During quarantine, I've seen a lot of my friends get into art. I've been trying and struggling with it myself, but have been doing some sketching. If you've been going down that creative route, consider making some art that is inspired by the greatest Oklahoma television news available - the weather dong. Post it on Twitter and tag us with your creations and maybe we'll share them!



Recreate a Pioneer Woman Recipe

Louis had been trying his hand at this over the Pandemic and the results haven't been pretty. I feel his pain. Most of the Pioneer Woman recipes I've tried out were duds, and I don't think that was any fault of my own. Perhaps it was the lack of Donkey Sauce, but on a dreary afternoon you can surely figure out how to spice it up enough that the Marlboro Man will like it.


Watch Old TV News Clips On YouTube

If you're a lifelong OKC resident and TLO reader, you probably have fond memories of when Jennifer Eve and Mitch Jelniker worked at Channel 9. If that sentence makes no sense to you, then it's probably not the rainy day activity for you.


TLO Typo Drinking Game

If you're stuck inside and bored, why not comb this site and nitpick us? Their's 14 years of content you can access through our membership program, and we've made a lot of mistakes. Hell, you can probably find enough grammatical errors on this story alone to get three sheets deep.

What are your classic rainy day activities?

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